Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Message from Shane's Mom

To everything there is a season, a time and purpose for everything under Heaven
Eccl. 3:1

Dave and I were blessed with 5 beautiful, healthy children. Of course each went through the school of hard knocks, bumps, bruises, scrapes and even one broken arm. We had the childhood colds, flu, ear infections, allergies, and I could not forget the chicken pox. As the world around us became increasingly affected by the dreaded word "cancer" I often thought with such a large family it was sure to hit someone, sometime. As a protective mother, I would of course hope that if it had to happen it would be to me. I didn't want my wonderful husband or any of my children to suffer in that way. 

While we were vacationing at Bethany Beach in the summer of 2008, we waited for Shane to get the biopsy report. I had been in the shower and when I got out it seemed that Shane, Holly and Dave had disappeared. My mom told me that they were in Shane and Holly's room and that Holly had been looking for me. As I opened their bedroom door, I said "the doctor called and it isn't good." Dave looked at me with tears in his eyes and said "how did you know that?" In some way, God had prepared me because every night as I asked a special prayer for God to watch over and bring home safely one of my other children, I always heard him say you know I will. But when I asked for the biopsy to be benign, I did not hear those comforting words. 

We shared a time of shock and tears together and then we gathered the rest of the family and told them. Joel and Misty were not with us so that phone call also had to be made. 

I was so torn inside, my heart was breaking. Why God? Why did it have to happen to my Shane? Why not to me? I needed to talk to someone. Who better than my dearest friend who had suffered through cancer herself? I went out on the deck and called her. It had been raining off and on all morning and as I was talking to her I suddenly saw in the sky the most beautiful, amazing double rainbow over the ocean. I knew at that moment God was answering me. He was promising that he would take care of Shane. I just needed to trust Him. 

I know it's going to be a long road for Shane and Holly and it will not be without pain and suffering but I know God will always be with them. 

I love you, Shane!

1 comment:

  1. I remember where I was at when we got the news. Todd and I were at the Maryland Fireman's Parade when Shasta called to tell me. She was crying so hard I could hardly understand her. I had thought something had happened to one of our nephews. It put me into a state of shock. You hear about cancer all the time, but you never think its going to happen to you or your family and when it does, you just can't believe it. It's still hard to understand because I just think that Shane is my age, he is actually almost a month younger then me. He is too young to have cancer, he has his whole life in front of him, he just got married, they built a house. We all know that God is in control and will take care of Shane, we just need to trust him. I feel very blessed to be a part of this family.
